
The BRESCA registry collects retrospective and prospective data on patients with breast cancer treated with approaches that reflect real-world oncology practice in the Czech Republic.

Within our project, we focus on detailed monitoring of patients in both early and later stages of breast cancer at participating oncology centers in the Czech Republic. The effectiveness of therapy is monitored until disease progression, as well as overall survival.

Additionally, data on specific markers are collected, and the results of genetic testing aimed at detecting mutations are recorded.

Over time, the project expands to include the collection of data on new therapeutic agents and treatments to ensure that the registry accurately reflects current clinical practice.


The primary objective

The primary objective is to collect clinical data on patients with breast cancer who are being treated in the Czech Republic.

The secondary objectives

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the monitored treatment and the used treatment patterns
  • Analysis of patient survival in relation to the observed clinical factors
  • Evaluation of the safety of the monitored treatment
  • Obtaining data on biomarkers related to drug resistance


Professional guarantee

  • Czech society for oncology (ČOS ČLS JEP)
  • The guarantor of the register is MUDr. Markéta Palácová

Project Management

  • The Institute of Biostatistics and Analyzes, s.r.o. , a spin-off company of Masaryk University, provides management and other service activities of this project
  • PharmDr. Kateřina Staňková, Project Manager
  • Ing. Petr Brabec, Ph.D., CEO